
Thursday, April 28, 2011

English as a Second Language Podcast

English as a Second Language Podcast
ESL Podcast 681 – Disagreeing about Religion

This is a dialogue between a man, Jean and a woman, Tammy. The conversation is completely explained in detail, vocabulary, and some common patterns by the host. The conversation is debating on religion, a taboo topic among people. Some people believe in their own faith, but some are agnostics. Nevertheless, one should still show the respect for people having different view about spirituality. One should not baiting on the other people’s faith, and making criticizing remark toward people, which is an impolite behavior.     
As it comes to religion topic during the conversation, the provocative statement should not be made to avoid insult toward others. In the conversation, there is a statement saying that
beliefs are made to be challenged, therefore the believers should know how to defend themselves. I totally disagree with the words, for as long as people genuinely believe in what they truly believe in, even superstition for people, there is no need to defend for their beliefs.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How YouTube Could Be Used to My Teaching/Learning Experience

Personally, the effectiveness of language learning and teaching with Youtube is not always absolutely positive. There should be strengths and weakness deserving us to think in different aspects.
Learning and teaching with Youtube is definitely more fun than reading in the textbook. Youtube provides learners with vivid animation and even funny shows to arouse learners’ interest, creativity and boost their motivations to know more. By watching Youtube, learners’ thought and well-rounded direction of learning are operated, bringing about students’ effective learning. In my own experience, learning English with Youtube should be more suitable to apply in the beginners. Since English learners, especially beginners, are easily to lose their interest in English, as long as they find it difficult and boring. In addition, the beginners would imitate the pronunciation in the film. The practice will help them find out the flaws, and make the correction. Consequently, building the interest in English for beginners with Youtube is a good way.

On the other hand, I think Youtube is not usually suitable for advance-level students. In my own teaching experience, using Youtube as a main tool for advance learners will normally cause student to distract from their learning. However, Youtube is a good tool for listening training. There are many valuable and outstanding lectures presented by celebrities. Students can learn from the vocabulary usage, sentence patterns, etc. Nevertheless, I think as a advance learners, they should be more focus on the books, such like magazines, novel, journals, newspapers, etc, to broaden more fundamental knowledge.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Randy Pausch 's Last Lecture


The video clip linked to you is my favorite one,that is “The Last Lecture” written by Randy Pausch, a was an American professor of Computer Science .In 2007, he was given a terminal diagnosis . He gave a lecture titled "The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" on September 18, 2007, at Carnegie Mellon, which became a popular YouTube video. He then co-authored a book called The Last Lecture on the same theme, which became a New York Times best-seller.
The lecture is quite touching, that he used a funny and hilarious way to recount the road to achieve his dream from his childhood to adulthood. He, even though was in his last time of the course of life, he still is insist in sharing his experience to let the audience know that every day counts and is valuable. The dream we make may be far beyond our own imagination, however, all these can be achieved if one’s can be confident in oneself, and endowed with courage and the sense of satisfaction toward life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Differences between Big and Large

Big is the adjective referring to something or someone are of great strength or force.
It also refers to great in dimensions, bulk, or extent large or great in quantity, number, or amount, or operation of elegant , grand scale. Sometimes it can describe an important, outstanding issue or event. In addition, it suggests that someone are liking into something.

Large refers to something, which are successful or popular have more than usual capacity or scope.It is especially describe something in quantity or size. Additionally, it is functioned as dealing in great numbers or quantities.